
TROPHIES , MSL 28-Sep-2020
This year’s brief encouraged the students to explore and experiment with the balance between art, science and nature, thus creating a meaningful landscape intervention. The intent of the design was to modify an identified institutional site into a landscape design for user interaction.Link to the brief: to the poster: release of this pondering brief was on 28th September, 2020. The registrations closed on 2nd December 2020 with submission deadline on 30th December, 2020. A total of 92 submissions were received during this timeframe.Honourable Ar. Prashanta Bhat, Vice President, ISOLA was the moderator for the trophy. The jury members included Ar. Himanshu Taneja, Ar. Isha Umrani and Ar. Priti John. The trophy witnessed an amazing set of submissions that it was hard to decide the winner. Hence, the winning entries included:JUROR’S CHOICE - Z133, University School of Architecture and PlanningSPECIAL MENTION 3 - Z688, Avani Institute of DesignSPECIAL MENTION 2 - Z211, Indian Education Society’s College of ArchitectureSPECIAL MENTION 1 - Z217, Sardar Vallabhai Patel Institute of TechnologyCITATION 2 - Z220, L.S.Raheja School of ArchitectureCITATION 1 - Z506, Department of Architecture KLETU, Hubli

TROPHIES 28-Nov-2021
The 64th year zonal event consisted of various activities. Among the numerous events, the YUGO theme demanded a fusion of creativity, sustainability and fashion. It allowed them to captivate the attention of the students in an interesting fusion of architecture, fashion, and photography. This enabled the students to reuse materials and contribute towards the betterment of society.

TROPHIES , Ethos 28-Nov-2020
The Ethos Trophy as an initiative celebrates academic as well as non-academic work of students and recognizes a star in the making. The intent is to identify outstanding students from each year of study who balance academic excellence with versatile roles to become an all-rounder contributor to the society. The brief involves submission of portfolios (academic work of 2019-20).Through this trophy, one could introspect their progressive journey over the course of an year and reflect that out in their portfolios which consists of both tangible and intangible work.Link to the brief: to the poster: exciting brief was released on 28th November, 2020. The deadline for registrations was 25th December 2020 with Stage 1 submissions closing on 7th February, 2021 and Stage 2 on 21st February, 2021.The moderator for the trophy was Ar. Gita Balakrishnan. A total of 162 submissions were received.The jury members Dr. Sanghamitra Basu, Ar. Neelam Manjunath and Ar. Ankon Mitra selected some of really exceptional portfolios.The winning entries included:1st YEAR - JAINIL DADAWALA , Z214, Faculty of Architecture Sarvajanik College of Engineering & Technology, Surat2nd YEAR - VINFRED EIKOS , Z506, Department of Architecture KLETU, Hubli3rd YEAR - SANYA JAIN , Z101, School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi4th YEAR - PRUTHAV PRAJAPATI, Z216, Vyavasay Vidya Pratisthan's Indubhai Parekh School Of Architecture5th YEAR - HARIT NAIK , Z214, Faculty of Architecture Sarvajanik College of Engineering & Technology

TROPHIES 28-Aug-2021
The 64th Zonal council meeting for the Zone was successfully scheduled in August from 28th to 30th. Keeping the threat of Covid19 under consideration the Meet was Held online with Google Meet serving as the requisite medium. The meeting was held from 11 am to 12 am on the respective days.The meeting was attended by 15 Members, 13 observers and 4 new colleges. Also amongst the attendees were the Zonal President of Zone 4 and 6 along with a few Members of the Executive Council.A number of agendas were put forward in the meeting for discussion, these included Understanding the Constitution and its New Draft, the Structure and working of the Association. The Zonal Report for the 63rd year was presented before the attendees.Many formal activities took place in the meeting. The awarding of e-certificates for shortlisted entries, the website and additions for its better functioning were discussed. The problems and doubts regarding the functioning of the Association and council were clarified and corrected. The future endeavors for the units and zone for the 64th year were presented.The Zonal council Meet was an absolute success despite being an Online event. The sense of presence of the Attendees and Units was commendable and helped resolve and talk through many aspects of the Association. The Units were enthusiastic and zestful towards their plans for making the 64th year a success for their zone.

TROPHIES 27-Dec-2021
In tough times of pandemic, all students were deprived of the opportunity to have practical knowledge.Hoi Polloi was a medium to provide that platform, essential for budding architects across India. Hands on Workshop Event hosted by MMIED College of Architecture, Pune, Z349. It was a three days event; 27th, 28th , and 29th of December 2021.Open for all zones and we had 80 participants from across other zones.The event had 4 workshops based on core skills required in architecture. Bringing ideas on paper is what sketching is all about. Being able to convey perspectives, concepts, or even data is what makes sketching crucial in our profession. Ar. Sanjeev Joshi delivered the workshop where he shared his knowledge and experience. He shared a few of his works as a sample and reference to begin with.Architecture and photography are connected on one another. It is one way that helps the viewer to get the visual understanding of buildings that they may never get to see in real but can see it virtually by just a click, saving their time. Mr. Onil Shah, a professional architectural photographer conducted a theory session followed by introduction to using a camera and associated tools. Creativity and flexibility are two very interesting terms. A combination of both was the foundation of Clay workshop. Mr. Prabhakar Singh delivered the workshop that focuses on motivating budding architects to think out of the box. Making a mask out of clay with complete liberty to experiment with design.Brick are the first things that come to our mind when we say construction. Ar. Amruta Naidu introduced the basic unit of building to students.They were given instructions by their filed experts and the hands-on began with an air on enthusiasm. A moment to socialize, to celebrate, to appreciate each other’s success and to share the moments of joy. Winter carnival was the most cheerful part of the event and had something for everyone. About 10 stalls including, games, food, articles, tattoos and henna. Post Carnival there were a few games organized by host college and we had open stage for our talented guests. The event came to a closure when we the dance floor was open to all.

HUDCO Trophy
TROPHIES , EVENTS , Hudco 26-Jan-2022
This trophy is a collaboration between NASA India and HUDCO. Sponsored by the Housing andUrban Development Corporation Limited(HUDCO), the trophy aims at designing for the informal sector andgive design alternatives for the issues pertaining to the solutions to Sustainable Urban Development.Instead oflimiting the options to in-house expertise, HUDCO thought of an innovative way to involve young andenthusiastic professionals. This year the brief talks about Vernacular habitats to combat climate change. Whenit comes to housing in India, there is a deficit seen in the housing of economically weaker sections of the societyand lower income groups. Hence the Government of India started the ‘Affordable Housing for All’ through the‘Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojna’ (PMAY). Through this opportunity multiple projects have taken up aresponsibility in providing better housing and have made an efficient impact yet it’s very selective or low.Projects that come under government agencies /developers have benefited. Challenges arise because theproblem of providing better housing and being sensitive to the local users remains to a small radius. There arecommunities living at scattered locations unaware and not familiar to these projects due to their location,accessibility to materials and resources and mainly problems with maintenance and failed user sensitive designquality. Another issue that needs to be addressed is the intensity of global urbanization that does not cope withthe environment and is a city’s culture insensitive. Vernacular practices help combat these issues, there needs tobe an initiative towards the approach of implementing vernacular habits to produce greener practices which iseasily affordable and efficient towards the economically weaker sections of the society who have limitedresources and financial constraints. Finally it mentions designing in the best interest of the people by beingsensitive to the impact a building has on climate and in their lives. Students from won Citation. Students fromwon Special Mention.

TROPHIES , ANDC 26-Aug-2023
The COVID-19 pandemic deeply affected the public mobility spaces. These spaces play a vital role in today’s situation and are inevitable by human activity but in the pandemic times these also served as hotspots for the transmission of the virus. Therefore, it becomes essential to envision a post pandemic reality. The brief of this trophy hence was to redesign the bus terminus in order to ease mobility in the post pandemic times.Link to the brief: to the poster: brief of this trophy was released on 27th June, 2020. The deadline for the registration was 15th July, 2020 and the submission portal closed on 26th August, 2020 with a total of 527 submissions.Ar. Anup Naik was the moderator for this trophy and it was hosted by Z513, School of Architecture, Siddaganga Institute of Technology.An eminent jury panels comprising of Ar.Neelam manjunath, Ar.Faizan Khatri, Ar.Gayatri shetty, Ar.Aanan Sutaria, Ar.Malak singh, Ar.Nisha Nair, Ar.Nilesh chavan, Ar.Paramjit Ahuja, Ar.Shipra singh, Ar.Ramesh Naidu, Ar.Mahesh Mokha, Ar.Gurmeet Rai Sangha. Ar.Akshay Heranjal, Ar.Sangeet sharma, Ar.Kruti shah, Ar.Richa garg, Ar.Manoj Kini, Ar.Anshuman Sharma, Ar.Shivarao, Ar.Ganga daleep Ar.Pranjali Deshpande, Ar.Smita singh, Ar.Anupam Mittal and Ar.Sandeep Pathe selected entries with the most creative solutions to the design problem.It was really hard to select the best entries out of an outstanding lot. The winning entries thus comprised of:JUROR’S CHOICE 2 - Z242, C.T.E.S. College of ArchitectureJUROR’S CHOICE 1 - Z210, Rizvi College of ArchitectureSPECIAL MENTION 3 - Z504, BMS College of ArchitectureSPECIAL MENTION 2 - Z640, College of Architecture, TrivandrumSPECIAL MENTION 1 - Z524, School of Planning and Architecture, VijayawadaCITATION 2 - Z214, Faculty of Architecture Sarvajanik College of Engineering & Technology, SuratCITATION 1 - Z505, Goa College of Architecture.

ABHIGYATA: Arch 107 Talk series
Arch-TALKS SERIES 25-Sep-2021
A talk series Abhigyata was organized as a Zonal activity in the fourth week of September 2021. The event was hosted by Z420 Rani Rashmoni School of Architecture, Durgapur, WB. The esteemed speaker for the same was the Ar. Apurva Bose Dutta, an Author, renowned Architectural Journalist, an editor as well as Curator. Through the session, the speaker drew light upon her presentation on, “Carving Unique Journeys in Architecture”.The event was broadcasted live on YouTube through NASA India’s Channel while a huge number of delegates from different colleges watched and interacted with the speaker live through the medium of Google Meet. They could ask their questions as well as clarify any doubts regarding the presentation. The talk series was the first Zonal Activity for the 64th year and was a successful session. The Session spoke vividly of the scope and future of Journalism in Architecture.

EVENTS , ZONE 4 , Talk Series 25-Sep-2021
A talk series Abhigyata was organized as a Zonal activity in the fourth week of September, 2021. The event was hosted by Z420 Rani Rashmoni School of Architecture, Durgapur, WB. The esteemed speaker for the same was the Ar. Apurva Bose Dutta, an Author, renowned Architectural Journalist, an editor as well as Curator. Through the session, the speaker drew light upon her presentation on, “Carving Unique Journeys in Architecture”.The event was broadcasted live on YouTube through NASA India’s Channel while a huge number of delegates from different colleges watched and interacted with the speaker live through the medium of Google Meet. They could ask their questions as well as clarify any doubts regarding the presentation. The talk series was the first Zonal Activity for the 64th year and was a successful session. The Session spoke vividly of the scope and future of Journalism in Architecture.

TROPHIES 24-Feb-2021
NASA WINTER SCHOOL PROGRAM, an initiative of the 64th Council to give a unique learning experience for our students in various architecture and its allied fields.The program will consist of different courses by expert tutors on a specified topic conveyed over a period of 15 days.With this initiative we aim to expose the students to the versatility in our profession and equip them with an additional skill / knowledge other than the academic curriculum.Finance in Architecture'Finance in Architecture' examines the real estate industry and market investment. The course will cover the basics of the market, such as how the market works and how the daily news affects it. Basic definitions, market cycles, and classic strategies that help to determine the finance market's procedures will also be covered. At the advanced level, real estate and generation of cash flow through rental properties will be discussed.Secure by DesignThe course is based on global design-based theories for reduction of Crime and Terror like CPTED and SEQURE. The emphasis is on building in the security for built environments to achieve effective, permanent and dependable security at lower costs. As the subject empowers the ‘design fraternity’ and we discover its relevance to India, the course will showcase some of the icons of the field to herald. This is the next big leap in Global architecture.Space ArchitectureSpace Architecture is the theory and practice of designing and building inhabitant environments in outer space, it includes diverse disciplines such as sociology, physiology, psychology, engineering, and design. This course will cover the topics like introduction to space architecture, the study of the International Space Station (ISS), Mission Analysis, Design Analysis for a space mission, Lunar and Mars mission, design and schematic design development.

EVENTS 23-Oct-2021
The 64th year interunit Zonal event saw a collaboration of SPADE with NASA; its largest online event in zone 6 titled FARRAGO. The theme being ‘Coalescence in Architecture’. As you start your journey as an architectural student, you start gaining perspective about what it means to be an architect. But as you progress, through your courses, competition and extra curriculars one perceives architecture to be a world unto itself; and that at their core, every architect is a designer. The intent behind farrago was to give a glimpse of the many opportunities a designer has in the wider world. The workshop, talk series, cultural and competitions were geared to spark interest and give exposure to some of these possibilities.In coalescence to the theme, SPADE conducted 4 interview sessions with architects from different backgrounds such as Sustainability, Interior Designer, Product Designer, Pastry Chef, Photographer, Communication Designer, Fabrication designer in a one-one live session to throw light upon today’s trends in architecture. FARRAGO has been an immense success with various national and international architects contributing to our event.The event was hosted online in 2 phases, namely the workshops on 23rd and 24th of October and the main zonal event held on 30th and 31st October. The event received an overwhelming response, altogether a total of 200 students exhibited interesting work within a very short span of time. The student delegates were invited to participate in several pre-recorded cultural events such as Singing, Instrumental, Dancing, Photography, Videography, Digital Art, Modelling, Sketching and sculpting trash prior to the main event to showcase their talent.This event enabled students to not only display their forte but also exposed them to various facets of architecture and design.

Newsletter 22-Oct-2021
The interunit Zonal Event was kickstarted on 22nd October with the valedictory taking place on 30th October 2021. For the first time it was organized in a completely online medium. The event was hosted by Z439 Amity University Kolkata.The Theme was put forward as, “Bohurupi: the one who dons various characters”Any edifice’s existence is because there are, and have been, many thinking minds and working hands behind it. An architect is someone who becomes the face of a project, balancing credibility and responsibility. The mask interprets the non-disclosure of the real identity of a person. The different and separate components signify that the identities are multifarious in nature. Each identity has uniqueness to it and hence, constitutes a separate and whole dimension. Compounding this, each part in the logo signifies a state of Zone 4, all of which are brought together to achieve a common purpose, throwing light upon the unity.The event had a wide range of inter as well as mixed unit activities running from 22nd October to 24th October, 2021. The activities included formal and informal activities like D36 trophy, Cahoots Trophy, Special events like Photography and Comics etc. Fun Events like Stand-Up Comedy, Esports as well as esteemed Workshops like Graphic Design, Tribal Art also had their part in the Week-long Zonal Event. Variety of respected Speakers too graced the event with Seminars on topics such as The Future of City Zoos etc.Overall Results for the Event were deemed as follows:UNIT OF THE EVENT: Z404: National Institute of Technology, RaipurSECOND: Z432: OmDayal College of Engineering and ArchitectureTHIRD: Z401: Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, ShibpurThe Units showed some great energy throughout the duration of the event despite it being Online. The participation spirit of the delegates from all the units was commendable and the energy remained constant till the very ending of the valedictory. The overall event ended on a positive and successful note opening gates for any future event taking place no matter online or offline.

BOHURUPI- 64th Zonal Event
ZONE 1 21-Oct-2021
The interunit Zonal Event was kickstarted on 22nd October with the valedictory taking place on 30th October 2021. For the first time it was organized in a completely online medium. The event was hosted by Z439 Amity University Kolkata.The Theme was put forward as, “Bohurupi: the one who dons various characters”Any edifice’s existence is because there are, and have been, many thinking minds and working hands behind it. An architect is someone who becomes the face of a project, balancing the credibility and responsibility. The mask interprets the non-disclosure of the real identity of a person. The different and separate components signify that the identities are multifarious in nature. Each identity has uniqueness to it and hence, constitutes a separate and whole dimension. Compounding this, each part in the logo signifies a state of Zone 4, all of which are brought together to achieve a common purpose, throwing light upon the unity.The event had a wide range of inter as well as mixed unit activities running from 22nd October to 24th October, 2021. The activities included formal and informal activities like D36 trophy, Cahoots Trophy, Special events like Photography and Comics etc. Fun Events like Stand-Up Comedy, Esports as well as esteemed Workshops like Graphic Design, Tribal Art also had their part in the Week-long Zonal Event. Variety of respected Speakers too graced the event with Seminars on topics such as The Future of City Zoos etc.Overall Results for the Event were deemed as follows:UNIT OF THE EVENT: Z404: National Institute of Technology, RaipurSECOND: Z432: Om Dayal College of Engineering and ArchitectureTHIRD: Z401: Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, ShibpurThe Units showed some great energy throughout the duration of the event despite it being Online. The participation spirit of the delegates from all the units was commendable and the energy remained constant till the very ending of the valedictory. The overall event ended on a positive and successful note opening gates for any future event taking place no matter online or offline.

TROPHIES , WAT 21-Oct-2020
The COVID-19 pandemic had been a stark reminder of the inequalities existing in our social fabric. It has made us to pause and rethink about a multitude of areas of schism that prompt a bias such as gender, age, physical and cognitive ability and a plethora of barriers. In recent times, we have also witnessed many civil movements that are a reaction to societal inequality – Black Lives Matter, The Global Climate Movement, The Movement, The Movements against NRC and CAA in India.Hence, the challenge for this year’s Writing Architecture Trophy is to make a case for / against the idea of architecture / design as an implement of positive change. How can we, as creative professionals be more empathetic towards the large issues that challenge our society and how can we confront them through our work?Link to the brief: to the poster: brief for this trophy was released on 21 October, 2020. The registrations closed on 10 November 2020 and the submission portal closed on 30 November, 2020 with a total of 215 entries.Studio Matter was the moderator for the trophy. Ruturaj Parikh and Studio Matter as the jury members provided their valuable time in selecting the most outstanding essays.The winning entries comprised of:SPECIAL MENTION 3 - Z504, BMS College of ArchitectureSPECIAL MENTION 2 - Z116, Faculty of Architecture & Ekistics, Jamia Millia IslamiaSPECIAL MENTION 1 - Z253, Institute of Architecture & PlanningCITATION 2 - Z112, Faculty of Architecture, Malaviya National Institute of TechnologyCITATION 1 - Z310, Dr. Bhanuben Nanavati College of Architecture for Women

TROPHIES 18-Sep-2021
Another activity organised was The Rebute; meaning argument. But when it comes to sharing perspective, it’s a discussion i.e., exchange of dialogues. Debate and Architecture are comparable; one of the unique aspects of architecture is its combination of design and theory which develops through tangibles and intangibles. The Rebute achieved the target of giving the students a platform for sharing their objectives and visions. This also encourages active participation and reflects the capabilities of all the delegates.

TROPHIES , LIK 17-Nov-2021
The Louis Kahn Trophy established by Vastu Shilpa Foundation with Sir B. V. Doshi and family is a stepback into the lives of our people who have built structures that still act as one of the main elements that defineour country and our culture. This year the trophy talks about Infill Architecture, which means to say that whena project gets situated in a specific discernible context where how it fits becomes a matter of concern, we maylook upon it as an infill. A current observation states how structures these days have been standing ignorant totheir surroundings, they lack context which will impact students of this profession. It speaks about howbuildings in the same radius are in context to the main cultural structure. The aim this year is to documentsites, projects and designs which best represent the connection between the context and architecture, withoriginality seen in documentation. The broader and immediate contexts need to be understood in terms ofhistorical elements, climatic impacts, past trends, functional connect, community traditions, existingarchitecture in the adjoining sites and such others. Issues of urban aesthetics like volumes, massing, scale,skyline, wall window ratios, materiality and many other such theories will enrich the analysis. Students fromwon Citation and Students from won Special Mention.

Annual NASA Design Competition (ANDC)
The Annual NASA Design Convention belongs to NASA and focuses on current trends andapproaches seen being applied in the Annual NASA design competition. It acts as the main and qualifying steptowards winning the convention of that particular year. This year the brief talks about Solace of a SoothingShade in the Oppressive Heat of Day, which goes on to explain the heartless and ignorant response showntowards construction workers. Construction workers are known for their tireless work that they provide buthave never earned any respect or wage equal to that. Highlighting on their shelter that they make duringconstruction, it is something that they quietly compromise on, they are always disturbed by soot and smoke.Many pregnant working mothers tie a chulla for their baby closer to their work area while also constantlyproviding a hand without that being a factor of ignorance towards their work. Their babies go unnoticed duringthese times victimizing them to the debris that may fall during construction. Governments have become awareof this yet continue to come up with solutions other than just helping them and providing them back. Theycome with strategies where construction workers are introduced to workplaces and fellow workers new to themto avoid unification towards a cause. The trophy this year stands for participants to bridge that lifestyle gap anddesign a mobile shelter suitable to any terrain, place or climatic conditions by providing safety, security andprivacy. The shelter must be flexible enough to go through iterations that might take place during differentphases of construction of that particular building the workers will be working on. Students from won citationfor their work on. Students from won Special Mention for their work on.

TROPHIES 15-Oct-2021
The first FGBM meeting was held online from 15th October 2021 to 17th October 2021. Taking in account the pandemic, the meeting was done online with an active participation from the 64th year executive council, 6 zonal presidents, 2 council members and the unit representatives. Highlights of the meet:Presentation of Audit report of 62nd year followed by QnA by ex-council.Presentation of Audit report of 63rd year followed by QnA by national secretary and national advisor.Discussion on amendments in constitution where different articles were presented by the executive council and member colleges. The ones which did not have any counter proposals were adopted by the constitution.Presentation on the structure of committees by the national vice president followed by detailed discussion on the trophy structure.Fair chance given to the units through voting for various opinions on constitutional order and trophies.Presentation of respective mid-term reports to the general council by zonal presidents, public relations, events head and national vice president.Presentation of operational guidelines to the general council by the national president.Elaborative discussion on the articles attending various sectors of the organization leading to approval by the general council and its amendment.Presentation of Zonal Restructure by the national secretary followed by attending the queries from the unit council.The meet helped the newly elected council to revisit the existing structure of NASA India and have critical restructuring for the same. In conclusion, the intent of NASA India was more concrete, shaping up into a more sensible approach for the current tenure.

Zonal Council Meet is the initial council meeting at a zonal level where the newly appointed Unit Council is acquainted with the Zonal and Executive Councils and the association’s history and proceedings.

EVENTS , ZONE 2 , Quiz Competition 15-Jan-2022
The Architectural Quiz Competition was one of the many zonal events, organised nationally at Anveshan-The Hidden Palette 2022. The intent behind this was to expose the students to the world within and outside of Architecture. With intellectual as well as witty questions, 3 rounds were conducted, namely ArchiCharades- The Play of words, Identitecture- The play of visuals and it came to a conclusion by the Finale Round, namely the Rapid Fire Round where 4 teams competed with a cut throat competition. The winners of this competition were declared in the Valedictory event.

TROPHIES 15-Jan-2021
Filmlet was an event part of Anveshan 2022, where students had to make a short film with what ever material that is available to them in their house and sourroundings, keeping the theme as quotes by famous architects.

TROPHIES 15-Jan-2021
The zonal event wouldn't have been successful without the enthusiastic participation of the students. While the individual activities managed to achieve their goals, the event as a whole contributed towards a greater narrative. The event pushed the students to explore and discover different facets of architecture and enabled them to grow out of their comfort zones.

TROPHIES 15-Jan-2020
The Architectural Quiz Competition was one of the many zonal events, organised nationally at Anveshan-The Hidden Palette 2022. The intent behind this was to expose the students to the world within and outside of Architecture. With intellectual as well as witty questions, 3 rounds were conducted, namely ArchiCharades- The Play of words, Identitecture- The play of visuals and it came to a conclusion by the Finale Round, namely the Rapid Fire Round where 4 teams competed with a cut throat competition. The winners of this competition were declared in the Valedictory event.

TROPHIES 13-Sep-2021
The founding day at zone 2 was celebrated with utmost enthusiasm and endeavour. The students along with the unit secretaries and designers organised riveting events and activities. This also enabled them to provide insights to the junior batches on the functioning of NASA; encouraging them to engage more. The NASA day was conducted at an unit level within the zone. Various activities like photography, poster making workshop and competition, tree mapping, heritage walks, discussion of students works were organised. Several awareness drives like vaccination, plantation, recycling were compiled. To make these awareness campaigns more coherent for the public, they were presented through comics and posters. To tackle the hesitation towards vaccination, the zone took an initiative to create awareness in the rural areas. Furthermore a vaccination drive was organised in the university for the people. The zone did a commendable work towards the social fabric of the society. The zone directed everyone's attention and raised awareness towards the environmental issues by planting 64 indigenous saplings. The students of Z-214 and Z-254 also organised various interactive activities to instigate interaction among both institute’s and provide a holistic exposure to the students through collaboration.

TROPHIES 13-Sep-2021
On NASA India's Founding day, The 64th unit council took up several initiatives. We organized a charity fundraiser to gather funds to donate to an orphanage that was in need of financial help and could also use the same for the redevelopment and infrastructure betterment of the place.On the 19th of September 2021, Z354 USEC. and UD collected the funds from the common bank account and visited the ashram.We donated an amount of sixteen thousand and seven hundred rupees to Sir Mauli Harkal, the caretaker of Vikas Anath Ashram, Chickli, Pimpri Chinchwad, Pune.On unit level Z310 - BNCA PUNEQuiz competition and donation to a NGO For NASA day, the unit held a short and fun quiz competition basedon NASA India which will help in spreading awareness about Association to the students of the unit. Participation certificates were given out to all the participants. Similar to every year, the administration of the Unit donated money to a NGO.On the occasion of 64th NASA foundation day, Z336 DYPUSOA unit conducted a CHARITY EVENT at The Nab-Lions home for Aging Blind in Khandala, implying the promise we made to "BE THE LIGHT"!On City level - Architecture colleges based in Pune, which are associated with NASA, had planned to organize a plastic collection drive in their colleges. The collected plastic was donated to RECHARKHA for their use. In order to help Recharkha with their publicity, participating members posted stories/posts and tagging them on their personal, college social media handles.In order to help NASA INDIA with its cause of working for the betterment and development of society, Recharkha donated 10% of their earnings from this donation to NASA INDIA’s ZONE 3 Fundraiser for the redevelopment of an orphanage.Architecture colleges based in Kolhapur region, which are associated with NASA, had planned to organize Photography contest and Comic design contest.

TROPHIES 13-Sep-2021
The Founding Day of the Association also known as NASA Day is celebrated annually on 13th of December. Various Units across the country in all the six zones commemorate the day in their own unique ways. The 64th year NASA day celebration was no less in terms of celebrations.Zone 4 Units too showcased their spirit of celebration by organizing various events and Intra-college activities. While units like Z409 BIT Mesra and Z420 RRSA Durgapur organized intra-college interactive sessions, units like Z411 BBDU Lucknow, Z412 Integral University Lucknow, Z421 Gitam University and Z435 KIIT University Bhubaneswar held online workshops and exhibitions to enhance students’ participation and skills. Z432 ODCA, Kolkata on the other hand organized an offline Sketch-walk event to bring forward hidden corners of the streets and ghats of Kolkata in a very illustrative manner.The observance of the 64th NASA Day by the Units of zone 4 showcased vibrancy of their minds and spirits not only towards the association but the field of Architecture as well.

ZONE 4 , Nasa Day 13-Sep-2021
The Founding Day of the Association also known as NASA Day is celebrated annually on 13th of December. Various Units across the country in all the six zones commemorate the day in their own unique ways. The 64th year NASA day celebration was no less in terms of celebrations.Zone 4 Units too showcased their spirit of celebration by organizing various events and Intra-college activities. While units like Z409 BIT Mesra and Z420 RRSA Durgapur organized intra-college interactive sessions, units like Z411 BBDU Lucknow, Z412 Integral University Lucknow, Z421 Gitam University and Z435 KIIT University Bhubaneswar held online workshops and exhibitions to enhance students’ participation and skills. Z432 ODCA, Kolkata on the other hand organized an offline Sketch-walk event to bring forward hidden corners of the streets and ghats of Kolkata in a very illustrative manner.The observance of the 64th NASA Day by the Units of zone 4 showcased vibrancy of their minds and spirits not only towards the association but the field of Architecture as well.

ZONE 5 , Nasa Day 13-Sep-2021
"Greens are a significant component of effective building design. As architecture students we are well aware of the current environmental issues and climate change. Knowing that the construction sector’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions account for approximately 40% of global GHG emissions (WBCSD 2018), it's our responsibility and duty to work towards a greener future.This 64th year NASA Day we saw students planting saplings at various locations throughout Chennai. Various units from zone 6 joined hands to make this campaign a success. The vision was to direct our attention and raise awareness towards these environmental issues. This won't just facilitate a green environment but trees are also considered as natural carbon sinks; this will not only reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in our environment but also the impact of the greenhouse effect.Various units like Z649, Z630, Z603, Z601 and Z688 arranged sponsors to support the campaign and contributed towards a greater cause."

TROPHIES 12-Sep-2021
Emerged as an online interface to review and critique student’s architectural projects and portfolios, CRIT room has the intent to guide the aspiring architects in finding appropriate professional and academic direction. Having an online mode of conduct since June 2020, it has welcomed panelists with a wide range of diverse professionals who are a part of the same ecosystem which foster a critical thinking environment. ‘Crit room’ organized by NASA India went live on September 12, 2021 by being a part of 64th NASA Day Celebrations. Held on google meet at 17:00 hours, the panelists included Sameep Padora and Shubhra Raje who were engaged in understanding and critiquing the undergraduate thesis projects of the 4 shortlisted entries. The primary goal of this initiative is to encourage young professionals in aligning their future, irrespective of the location.
TROPHIES , LIK 12-Dec-2020
This trophy always aims high, by challenging ourselves to understand Kahn, his idea of the vernacular and thus the idea of architecture itself. The theme “Vernacular Traditions- contemporary architecture” intended to look at modern buildings where local and traditional characters found an expression. It included collecting and analyzing information on a chosen project designed by an Indian Architect during the last twenty years which reflect time tested design principles from our past for our future.Link to the brief: to the poster: brief was released on 11th November, 2020 with the registration deadline as 12th December 2020 and submission date as 25th January, 2021.The moderator was INTACH (Ar. Sathya Prakash Varanashi). 22 submissions were received in total for this trophy. The jury members Tony Joseph, Aishwarya Tipnis and Iqtedar Alam provided the students with their valuable set of inputs and selected an exceptional set of entries.The winning entries comprised of:JUROR’S CHOICE 2 - Z210, Rizvi College of ArchitectureJUROR’S CHOICE 1 - Z211, Indian Education Society’s College of ArchitectureSPECIAL MENTION 2 - Z329, Marathwada Mitra Mandal's College of ArchitectureSPECIAL MENTION 1 - Z214, Faculty of Architecture Sarvajanik College of Engineering & Technology, SuratCITATION- Z516, KLS Gogte Institute of Technology

This challenge has always an incredible journey from “DATA TO DESIGN”. The brief for this year’s challenge was the importance of “Open Spaces” in our urban areas. The focus was to compare how different cities are performing in the amount and quality of open spaces they provide. This data would further be used to derive insights and support the design process for targeted interventions in the selected areas.Link to the brief: to the poster: pondering brief was released on 11th July, 2020 and was conducted in three phases : Crowdsource data (July to August 2020), Data Analysis (August to September 2020) and Student Design Intervention (September to December 2020).COPLUG was the moderator for this trophy.

TROPHIES , ID 11-Aug-2020
The brief for this year’s ID trophy was to conceptualize, design and detail a product or system that has a past of more than 30 years and which has lost its way or morphed into something altogether different despite the original issues remaining unresolved to a large extent.The solution could be wearable, free standing or works in conjunction with existing products or systems. It must solve a real problem of real people in India and it could be such that it can be created, produced or by the use of materials, technology and processes that exists in India today.Link to the brief: to the poster: release of this thought- provoking brief was on 11th August, 2020. The deadline for registrations was on 9th September, 2020 with submission deadline on 14th October, 2020.Thinkering- Learning by Making was the moderator for this trophy. 62 submissions were received in total. These were judged by an eminent panel of jury members which included Mann Singh, Richa Ghansiyal and Reena Roy.It was really hard to select the best entries out of an outstanding lot. The winning entries thus included:SPECIAL MENTION 3 - Z112, Faculty of Architecture, Malaviya National Institute of TechnologySPECIAL MENTION 2 - Z330, Bagulamukhi College of Architecture and PlanningSPECIAL MENTION 1 - Z238, Lokmanya Tilak College of ArchitectureCITATION 2 - Z658, KMEA College of architectureCITATION 1 - Z207, Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Architecture

The 64th year zonal council meeting for zone 1 commenced between the 10th and 12th December 2021; due to the ongoing pandemic restrictions, the meet was held virtually and was led by zonal President Divyansh Gupta.The meeting schedule spread across three days - the first day opened the doors of the organization to the newly appointed Unit Designees. The second day was a door of opportunities with discussions on trophies and programs, the day led by Devanshi Thakuriya, public relations, it was a great headstart for active participation in trophies the upcoming year. The second day took an interesting turn when a common question revolved around the meeting room - “should Reubens be a trophy or an exhibition?” Several different perspectives lead to a new proposal wherein reubens be restructured into an integral part of a program-based institution. The council is working on the proposal and is open to discussions and new ideas.The conclusion day was an open day - everyone brought ideas and outlined the potential of the zonal vision - “cross-culture”. The vision embarks on bringing out the best in each individual despite cultural differences - the association keeps us, the diverse students together through effective communication, clarity, and unambiguous discussions.The zonal council meeting ended on a high note through a vision to blur barriers of communications despite the virtual reality, fade the misconceptions and ambiguity in a zone, and bring in the student community for cross-culture learning.

TROPHIES , LBT 09-Dec-2020
The design brief for Laurie Baker trophy 2020-21 was to create a Type B Public Health Centre. The brief mandated that each entry had to first identify/ locate a hypothetical site in c chosen gram panchayat in India (population between 10,000 to 20,000). Then to study the document the present state of health services and parameters in that area and at last present an in-depth analysis indicating the need of a PHC in that panchayat.A detailed design programme with conceptual and construction details along with the impact analysis on the environment were part of the deliverables.Link to the brief: to the poster: brief was released on 9th December, 2020. The deadlines for registration and submission were 9th December, 2020 and 13th January, 2021 respectively. A total of 56 submissions were received from all over India.Laurie Baker Centre was the moderator for the trophy with Padmakumar, Saajan and Dr. Vijayakumar as the jury members. The citation award was given to Z306, Shri Prince Shivaji Maratha Boarding House's College of Architecture, while Z226, Institute of Architecture and Town Planning Bundelkhand University and Z524, School of Planning and Architecture, Vijayawada received the Special Mentions.

TROPHIES 08-Jan-2021
The Gateway College of Architecture and Design, Sonipat organized a quiz contest for the students of Zone 1 manifested a successful opening for the year in the zone with about four thousand viewers on YouTube.The virtual quiz commenced on the 8th of January, 2022 with over sixty participating teams/The event spread across two days and four rounds was a super fun learning experience. Each participant received e-certificates for participation and touched every aspect of architecture. The top three winning colleges were students of Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University for Women, School of Architecture, and Landscape Design. This event was a superhit kick start of the year at zone 1.

TROPHIES 08-Jan-2021
A virtual talk series streamed on NASA, India’s YouTube channel. A series throwing light on the process of being involved in each step while designing. The event was hosted with an intent to help students of architecture understand the reasoning of award-winning architectural firms in India behind making design decisions and its process. Five principal architects and associate architects from four award-winning firms were invited to talk about the importance of evolutionizing design through the process. The speakers' Ar, Alex Joseph, and Ar. Dona Kurian from Myspace Architects, Ar. Aman Aggarwal from Charged Voids, Ar. Sachin Rastogi from Zero Energy Design Lab and Ar, Aarushi Juneja from Morphogenesis took charge in making the event remarkable through their stories of the development of an idea to reality.Apogee, just like its name truly spoke of the highest point of design, development, and process of an idea.

ZONE 3 , 64th year , ZCM 07-Sep-2021
The Zonal Council Meet 2021-22 for Zone 3 was held from 7th September, 2021 to 9th September,2021 on Google meet platform considering the ongoing situations.The Unit Secretaries, newly appointed Unit Designees, 64th year Zonal and Unit council of Zone 3 were invited to the meet. The sessions were handled by Zonal President Zone-3, Zonal President Zone-2 and members from the executive council. The meet was held in 3 different sessions scheduled from 1 pm to 12 am.The whole zone decided that REUBENS trophy should be changed to an exhibition format for coping up with all malpractices and bringing back its main aim towards sharing knowledge that was shifted towards a competition over the years.The vision of 64th year will be “Revitalise, Reconnect and Rise”The zone’s participation in OAN and LIXIL will be increased.More focus on Group B trophies will be given.Zonal Convention, Monthly activities and several new zonal level competitions will be introduced.

TROPHIES 07-Sep-2020
The Zonal Council Meet 2021-22 for Zone 3 was held from 7th September, 2021 to 9th September,2021 on Google meet platform considering the ongoing situations.The Unit Secretaries, newly appointed Unit Designees, 64th year Zonal and Unit council of Zone 3 were invited to the meet. The sessions were handled by Zonal President Zone-3, Zonal President Zone-2 and members from the executive council. The meet was held in 3 different sessions scheduled from 1 pm to 12 am.The whole zone decided that REUBENS trophy should be changed to an exhibition format for coping up with all malpractices and bringing back its main aim towards sharing knowledge that was shifted towards a competition over the years.The vision of 64th year will be “Revitalise, Reconnect and Rise”The zone’s participation in OAN and LIXIL will be increased.More focus on Group B trophies will be given.Zonal Convention, Monthly activities and several new zonal level competitions will be introduced.

Zone 5 - ZCM
The Zonal Council meet for the 64th year commenced on 6th September 2021 and ended on 9th September, 2021. The medium of the meeting was kept Virtual with the platform of Google Meet for its successful proceeding. The Meet marked the beginning of 64th year Zonal Activities for the Zone. Each day the meeting started at 7 pm and ended around 10 pm -12 am.A total of 46 Units attended the meeting of which 20 units were member colleges while 26 units were observers. The meeting also saw the presence of Zonal resident Zone 5 and 4 with ZP 5 serving as the Main Host of the meeting. Executive Council Members like Vice President, National Treasurer and Secretary also Interacted with the Unit Secretaries and Designees.A wide range of topics were discussed in the meeting. The general agenda of the meeting was to discuss and brief the General council about the Constitution and the Association: its structure and working. The Units also could forward their doubts and suggest possible amendments for the same. The various National and Zonal Activities were also talked through. These included the Annual National and Zonal trophies, Events like OAN, LIXIL Mentorship etc. the Future endeavors for the zone were planned.The meeting witnessed and active participation by its attendees with the units showing zeal to learn about and understand the zone, the Constitution and the Association. The panache of the Units towards the 64th year proceedings showcased extreme passion and promising spirit. The meeting was ended on a successful note.

Short Film Trophy , Allied feilds of Architecture 06-Sep-2021
The Zonal Council meet for the 64th year commenced on 6th September 2021 and ended on 9th September, 2021. The medium of the meeting was kept Virtual with the platform of Google Meet for its successful proceedings. The Meet marked the beginning of 64th year Zonal Activities for the Zone. Each day the meeting started at 7 pm and ended around 10 pm -12 am.A total of 46 Units attended the meeting of which 20 units were member colleges while 26 units were observers. The meeting also saw the presence of Zonal residents Zone 5 and 4 with ZP 5 serving as the Main Host of the meeting. Executive Council Members like Vice President, National Treasurer and Secretary also Interacted with the Unit Secretaries and Designees.A wide range of topics were discussed in the meeting. The general agenda of the meeting was to discuss and brief the General council about the Constitution and the Association: its structure and working. The Units also could forward their doubts and suggest possible amendments for the same. The various National and Zonal Activities were also talked through. These included the Annual National and Zonal trophies, Events like OAN, LIXIL Mentorship etc. the Future endeavors for the zone were planned.The meeting witnessed active participation by its attendees with the units showing zeal to learn about and understand the zone, the Constitution and the Association. The panache of the Units towards the 64th year proceedings showcased extreme passion and promising spirit. The meeting ended on a successful note.

TROPHIES 06-Mar-2021
The 64th year Zone 2 - Zonal Newsletter is the first digital newletter to be release in these 64 year, avoiding the need to publish rather utilising the current mode of website to reach it out everyone.

TROPHIES , GRIHA 06-Jan-2021
This year’s brief for the Griha Trophy was “Affordable Housing for the EWS group”. In India, access to affordable housing is crucial to achieve poverty reduction as urban housing shortage is expected to grow at 6.6% to 34.1 million units by 2022. Since, affordability lies at the core of sustainability, it should no longer be an option but the only way forward for low-cost housing innovations.In line with this thought, the brief comprised of a design for an all-weather EWS dwelling unit in a multi-storeyed super structure. The site for the project was located in Jailorala Bagh, Ashok Vihar, New Delhi. The designhad to be in accordance with the GRIHA Affordable Housing Rating system and ensure that a hundred percent of the construction is done with alternative and low-impact materials.Link to the brief: to the poster: brief was released on 10th November, 2020 with the registration deadline as 6th January, 2021 and submission deadline as 27th January, 2021. Total of 20 submissions were received.The moderator for the trophy was Mr. Sanjay Seth. We had an accomplished set of jurors Ms. Shabnam Bassi, Ms. Swati Gupta, Mr. Ankit Bhalla and Mr. Akash Deep who nurtured their valuable feedback and time in critically judging all the entries choosing forth the leading ones.The WINNING ENTRIES were-SPECIAL MENTION 2 - Z604, TKM College of EngineeringSPECIAL MENTION 1 - Z112, Faculty of Architecture, Malaviya National Institute of TechnologyCITATION - Z211, Indian Education Society’s College of Architecture

TROPHIES 06-Aug-2021
The first EC – ZC meeting was held online from 6th August 2021 to 8th August 2021. Taking into account the pandemic, the meeting was done online with an active participation from the 64th year executive council, 6 zonal presidents and the advisor. Highlights of the meet:National secretary welcomed the newly elected council members for the first EC-ZC meeting. An introductory session explaining the functions of NASA followed by a Q & A session.Reviewing and preparing the association documents for the upcoming year.Discussion and brainstorming on the nitty gritties of the articles of constitution.Updation in operation of finances with updated security system.Discussion on job roles with the clarification for the amount of work that needs to be done by the executive council.Discussion on the change in the constitution by the executive council.Discussion on HQ and the process of HQ volunteer selection followed by legal documents of the association.Discussion on the legal documents carried forward by the executive council.Presentation on MOU with catabatic followed by explanations on FCRA, Niti Aayog NGO Darpan portal.Brainstorming session amongst the council about the functioning of the body followed by a suggestion and questions.Reviewing and suggestions of publications and trophies.Presentation of first constitution, certificate of registration, and 12/A documents by the council members.Discussion of existing collaborations by events head.Initiation for opinions by public relations for OAN content, GBRI scholarship program and its selection criteria.Suggestions by zonal presidents on the proceedings on NASA day and miscellaneous programs.Discussion highlighting the drawbacks faced in previous year followed by suggestions on new function order.New initiatives discussed based on digitalization of resources to provide more interaction within NASA India.The meet helped the newly elected council to get a direction on NASA proceedings along with a platform to interact with fellow-council members.

TROPHIES 03-Sep-2021
The 64th year Zonal council meet for the Zone was conducted from 3rd to 5th September. The 3 day long event was successfully organised through online medium due to the Covid-19 guidelines. The day 1 commenced with scrutinising the history and facts related to NASA’s significance and its Constitution. The conversation further carried on to comprehend the association of the first few articles of the Constitution. The first day concluded with discussion on the programs and events for the zonal convention. The day 2 was dedicated to discussion regarding the Reuben Trophies; and the theme for the 64th year Website as well as the Zonal Analysis and Vision. Day 3 saw discussions on the publication subcommittee coordinators, membership application and on the zonal issues as well.The zonal council meeting concluded with the Ex-Zonal President from the 58th year to the 63rd year sharing their experiences with NASA and insights on the functioning of Zone 2. The unit secretaries and designees also had an interactive session with the Ex - Zonal Presidents.
TROPHIES , Hudco 02-Jan-2021
is year’s brief for HUDCO Trophy was “Rental Housing options for migrant workers”. In India, vast majority of the urban dwellers are informally employed and engaged in activities such as manufacturing in small family units, trading in small shops or on streets, domestic workforce, manual laborers to transport workers. Many them earn less than a living wage, are unable to afford decent shelter and resort to shared rented rooms in deplorable conditions.In situations like this, “Social Rental Housing” is an important housing typology where rents are set below market rates to make it affordable even for the poorest segment of migrant population. Hence, HUDCO 2021 aims at generating efficient, adequate, sustainable and affordable rental housing options, understanding the brunt of the pandemic borne by the poor migrant workers informally employed / people in the informal work force, and, to offer them an improved quality of life to meet their requirements in a desirable manner.Link to the brief: to the poster: brief for the trophy was released on 2nd January, 2021. The registrations closed on 31st January, 2021 and the submissions closed with a total of 25 entries on 15th February, 2021.Housing and Urban Development (HUDCO) was the moderator for the trophy. The jury members were Ms. Vijaya Vasu and Ms. Dina AP.The competition came to an end with the following winning entries:SPECIAL MENTION 2 - Z313, Priyadarshini Institute of Architecture & Design StudiesSPECIAL MENTION 1 - Z324, Institute of Design Education and Architectural Studies (IDEAS)CITATION - Z407, ABIT Piloo Mody College of Architecture

TROPHIES , GSEN 02-Dec-2020
The competition invited participants to conceive and generate innovative ideas of edible landscape for the public realm centred around the themes of improved agricultural productivity, enhancement of biodiversity, and ecologically sensitive urban designs in the grain of the city. The brief includes demonstration of the idea of ecological and productive landscape at a real/ hypothetical neighbourhood in a city.Link to the brief: to the poster: crux of the design lied at the materializing concepts into implementable strategies. The brief was issued on 10th August,2020. The registrations closed on 2nd December, 2020 and the submission portal closed with a total of 40 submissions on 13th January, 2021.Ar. Mansi shah, Architect, Urban designer, Faculty at CEPT was the moderator for this trophy. The jury team comprised of Vidhya Mohan Kumar, Rohan Shiv Kumar and Biju Kuriakose.The 63rd year GSEN Trophy came to an end with three special mentions: Z224, School Of Planning And Architecture, Bhopal, Z243, Aditya College of Architecture and Z612, Thiagarajar College of Engineering.

TROPHIES 01-Jul-2021
We concluded the first cycle of the OAN Grants Program and launched the 2021 cycle. The inaugural cycle faced many adversities due to Covid. The discussions between Urban Design Collective, the Center for the Living City and NASA India on the collaboration started in 2019 and the Grant’s Program was launched at the 62nd Annual NASA Convention with an aim to provide grants to highly motivated and committed students with a conscious to aid urban solutions. For the inaugural cycle,three fellow teams were to be selected, each one getting a 500 USDs grant to execute their solution lives. We received 42 entries this year, a jury panel consisting of 5 Jurors across the globe chose Chhav, Orange People Project and Adaptable Contextual Farming Invoking Self dependency to be 2020 fellows. The details of the program are available on our website

TROPHIES 01-Jan-2021
The D and E team has been formulated as a sub committee to work in tandem with each other ,overlooked by the Vice President who is the Ex officio head of it.The creatives for social media platforms, posters and animations have been made by the Designers and Editors.The DET team is recruited within the students of associated colleges of NASA India. The DET is further classified into Print Media and Digital Media for publications and digital content respectively.The DET is coordinated by the coordinators selected from within the Unit Secretaries of the concurrent council.

TROPHIES 01-Jan-2021
The association has for the last six and half decades grown strong and it has kept on reinventing itself with the changing times. With technology setting in, the size of our association becoming humongous and with Covid, we look towards a different horizon where NASA India isn’t just about coming together and growing but it evolves into an organization which reaches to you.We have been, as an entity, striving to serve the students. The side effect of that has been that we haven’t been able to rally everybody around to be a part of this experience. We have been targeting an outreach towards our own members instead of having them along on our side and aim towards the betterment of our society.This energy of 60,000+ members is not only to be reached out to but is to be channeled as well to community development. When NASA India serves our society and communities together, we will grow together. This paradigm shift is necessary at the National, Zonal and Unit Level. Each Unit should be volunteering and enriching communities around them, this will need proactive leadership and programs at unit and national scales.Whenever something new is proposed in our association, we ask how can this help an architectural student? I suggest adding one more question to the filter, how can this help society? I am certain that any experience gained through such a program with an architectural bent of mind will help a design student develop skills which would otherwise take decades to learn.So, if this goal seems too steep to climb and this theme is supposed to invigorate you, I’d like to quote Jed Bartlet from West Wing,“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful and committed individuals cannot change the world. Because that is the only thing that ever has.”Off to the grassroots!

Nasa Day 01-Jan-2021
The founding day at zone 1 almost portrays an Indian festival! Zone 1 - a community of diverse students always has new surprises in the box for celebrating NASA day. NASA day here was proclaimed by actualizing the essence of architecture giving back to the community.Each unit brought in its spirit of celebration by organizing several events and activities. Colleges planned interactive sessions - both in offline and online mode along with competitions, quizzes, workshops, and webinars. Crafts into products - an idea to explore traditional Indian arts and crafts and resurrect their presence in product designing; this event invoked the cross-culture vision. Taking it beyond - the Vivekananda Global University students interacted with school students to guide them for a career in Architecture. In conclusion, NASA day certainly opens a new paradigm of thinking outside the box on how architecture can serve selflessly for the whole community.

The Zonal Council meet for the 64th year commenced on 6th September 2021 and ended on 9th September, 2021. The medium of the meeting was kept Virtual with the platform of Google Meet for its successful proceedings. The Meet marked the beginning of 64th year Zonal Activities for the Zone. Each day the meeting started at 7 pm and ended around 10 pm -12 am.A total of 46 Units attended the meeting of which 20 units were member colleges while 26 units were observers. The meeting also saw the presence of Zonal residents Zone 5 and 4 with ZP 5 serving as the Main Host of the meeting. Executive Council Members like Vice President, National Treasurer and Secretary also Interacted with the Unit Secretaries and Designees.A wide range of topics were discussed in the meeting. The general agenda of the meeting was to discuss and brief the General council about the Constitution and the Association: its structure and working. The Units also could forward their doubts and suggest possible amendments for the same. The various National and Zonal Activities were also talked through. These included the Annual National and Zonal trophies, Events like OAN, LIXIL Mentorship etc. the Future endeavors for the zone were planned.The meeting witnessed active participation by its attendees with the units showing zeal to learn about and understand the zone, the Constitution and the Association. The panache of the Units towards the 64th year proceedings showcased extreme passion and promising spirit. The meeting ended on a successful note.

EVENTS 01-Jan-2020
Winner's Way is a new initiative by the 64th Council. The initiative focuses on sharingexperiences, ideas, approaches, and vision of the trophy winners of the past year toencourage participation and collective learning amongst the students of thisAssociation for the trophies that have opened for individual registration. Winner'sWay also served as a platform that recognizes the excellent work done by studentsamongst peers.In order to achieve both the intent, an interactive live session was hosted online withthe winning participants of the Mohammad Shaheer Landscape Trophy and theEthos Trophy.The winners shared their work, explained their ideas and approaches towards theTrophy. The discussion took place in a storytelling format that summarized their entireexperience of working on the trophy. The event took place on Zoom and wasstreamed live on NASA India's YouTube Channel and was executed successfully withimpressive participation across all Zones.
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