NASA | TPS Online


Nasa Day 01-Jan-2021

The founding day at zone 1 almost portrays an Indian festival! Zone 1 - a community of diverse students always has new surprises in the box for celebrating NASA day. NASA day here was proclaimed by actualizing the essence of architecture giving back to the community.
Each unit brought in its spirit of celebration by organizing several events and activities. Colleges planned interactive sessions - both in offline and online mode along with competitions, quizzes, workshops, and webinars.
Crafts into products - an idea to explore traditional Indian arts and crafts and resurrect their presence in product designing; this event invoked the cross-culture vision.
Taking it beyond - the Vivekananda Global University students interacted with school students to guide them for a career in Architecture.
In conclusion, NASA day certainly opens a new paradigm of thinking outside the box on how architecture can serve selflessly for the whole community.

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