Member Colleges are those colleges who have been actively participating in NASA India activities for the past few years.Members have an upper hand in the number of trophies they can participate in. Member college Unit Secretaries have the right to stand for elections and vote/nominate any elected representative to the NASA India Council. Member colleges shall also be subjected to a reduction in the subscription fee.
All applications for membership must be submitted in person to the National Secretary, NASA India during the First Council Meet. The ex-unit secretary of the college aspiring for membership must have participated in all council meets in the year before the year of applying for membership. After due scrutiny of the college’s membership bid before the end of the first council meet the unit secretary would be informed about the upgradation
Three consecutive chances will be awarded to each institution for three consecutive years to grab a membership status and if they fail to be approved by the council, they lose a chance to apply for the same in the upcoming 2 years
NOTE : subscription fee mentioned above is observer's subscription fee
The association is a federal body and as such its membership is open to all students of architecture.
Observer colleges comprise of colleges who have newly joined NASA India, or recently returned from a period of dormancy. They are still learning the ropes about how the association works. Newly Registered Members are awarded observer status at the First Council Meet in the month of June.Observer college’s elected representatives should mandatorily attend Annual Convention and have no dues for a period of two years to maintain their status. A college needs to complete two full - year terms as an observer college before it can apply for membership
Any new application for observership shall be presented in the First Council Meet and is to be handed over to the National Secretary,NASA India. The observer shall be admitted as a member only after due scrutiny in the General Council Meeting. A subscription fee of 100% along with registration fee equivalent to 25% of the subscription fee which includes NASA India and NIPC is payable to the association at the time of admission, accompanied by a copy of COA accreditation.
NOTE : subscription fee mentioned above is observer's subscription fee