NASA | How to be a member



The association is a federal body and as such its membership is open to all students of architecture.

Observer colleges comprise of colleges who have newly joined NASA India, or recently returned from a period of dormancy. They are still learning the ropes about how the association works. Newly Registered Members are awarded observer status at the First Council Meet in the month of June.Observer college’s elected representatives should mandatorily attend Annual Convention and have no dues for a period of two years to maintain their status. A college needs to complete two full - year terms as an observer college before it can apply for membership

Any new application for observership shall be presented in the First Council Meet and is to be handed over to the National Secretary,NASA India. The observer shall be admitted as a member only after due scrutiny in the General Council Meeting. A subscription fee of 100% along with registration fee equivalent to 25% of the subscription fee which includes NASA India and NIPC is payable to the association at the time of admission, accompanied by a copy of COA accreditation.

NOTE : subscription fee mentioned above is observer's subscription fee


Name *

Address *

Country *

State *

City *

Pin code *

Contact Number *

E-mail *

Year of Establishment of Architecture Department *

Name of Affiliating University *

Council of Architecture Registration Code *

Number of Batches currently present in the Institute *

Number of Students in First Year *

Number of Students in Second Year *

Number of Students in Third Year *

Number of Students in Fourth Year

Number of Students in Fifth Year

Profile of the Head of the Institute

Name of the Principal/ Director/ HoD *

Contact No (office)

E Mail Address *

Area of Expertise


Scanned Copy of the consent Letter from the Head of the Institution/ Department clearly affirming their participation appeal *

Scanned copy of the letter of approval to start the course by the Council of Architecture , India *

Scanned copy of the Name list of students associated to the institution as on June 1st attested by the Head of the Institution/ Department *