
HUDCO Trophy
TROPHIES , EVENTS , Hudco 26-Jan-2022
This trophy is a collaboration between NASA India and HUDCO. Sponsored by the Housing andUrban Development Corporation Limited(HUDCO), the trophy aims at designing for the informal sector andgive design alternatives for the issues pertaining to the solutions to Sustainable Urban Development.Instead oflimiting the options to in-house expertise, HUDCO thought of an innovative way to involve young andenthusiastic professionals. This year the brief talks about Vernacular habitats to combat climate change. Whenit comes to housing in India, there is a deficit seen in the housing of economically weaker sections of the societyand lower income groups. Hence the Government of India started the ‘Affordable Housing for All’ through the‘Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojna’ (PMAY). Through this opportunity multiple projects have taken up aresponsibility in providing better housing and have made an efficient impact yet it’s very selective or low.Projects that come under government agencies /developers have benefited. Challenges arise because theproblem of providing better housing and being sensitive to the local users remains to a small radius. There arecommunities living at scattered locations unaware and not familiar to these projects due to their location,accessibility to materials and resources and mainly problems with maintenance and failed user sensitive designquality. Another issue that needs to be addressed is the intensity of global urbanization that does not cope withthe environment and is a city’s culture insensitive. Vernacular practices help combat these issues, there needs tobe an initiative towards the approach of implementing vernacular habits to produce greener practices which iseasily affordable and efficient towards the economically weaker sections of the society who have limitedresources and financial constraints. Finally it mentions designing in the best interest of the people by beingsensitive to the impact a building has on climate and in their lives. Students from won Citation. Students fromwon Special Mention.
TROPHIES , Hudco 02-Jan-2021
is year’s brief for HUDCO Trophy was “Rental Housing options for migrant workers”. In India, vast majority of the urban dwellers are informally employed and engaged in activities such as manufacturing in small family units, trading in small shops or on streets, domestic workforce, manual laborers to transport workers. Many them earn less than a living wage, are unable to afford decent shelter and resort to shared rented rooms in deplorable conditions.In situations like this, “Social Rental Housing” is an important housing typology where rents are set below market rates to make it affordable even for the poorest segment of migrant population. Hence, HUDCO 2021 aims at generating efficient, adequate, sustainable and affordable rental housing options, understanding the brunt of the pandemic borne by the poor migrant workers informally employed / people in the informal work force, and, to offer them an improved quality of life to meet their requirements in a desirable manner.Link to the brief: to the poster: brief for the trophy was released on 2nd January, 2021. The registrations closed on 31st January, 2021 and the submissions closed with a total of 25 entries on 15th February, 2021.Housing and Urban Development (HUDCO) was the moderator for the trophy. The jury members were Ms. Vijaya Vasu and Ms. Dina AP.The competition came to an end with the following winning entries:SPECIAL MENTION 2 - Z313, Priyadarshini Institute of Architecture & Design StudiesSPECIAL MENTION 1 - Z324, Institute of Design Education and Architectural Studies (IDEAS)CITATION - Z407, ABIT Piloo Mody College of Architecture
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