
HUDCO Trophy
TROPHIES , EVENTS , Hudco 26-Jan-2022
This trophy is a collaboration between NASA India and HUDCO. Sponsored by the Housing andUrban Development Corporation Limited(HUDCO), the trophy aims at designing for the informal sector andgive design alternatives for the issues pertaining to the solutions to Sustainable Urban Development.Instead oflimiting the options to in-house expertise, HUDCO thought of an innovative way to involve young andenthusiastic professionals. This year the brief talks about Vernacular habitats to combat climate change. Whenit comes to housing in India, there is a deficit seen in the housing of economically weaker sections of the societyand lower income groups. Hence the Government of India started the ‘Affordable Housing for All’ through the‘Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojna’ (PMAY). Through this opportunity multiple projects have taken up aresponsibility in providing better housing and have made an efficient impact yet it’s very selective or low.Projects that come under government agencies /developers have benefited. Challenges arise because theproblem of providing better housing and being sensitive to the local users remains to a small radius. There arecommunities living at scattered locations unaware and not familiar to these projects due to their location,accessibility to materials and resources and mainly problems with maintenance and failed user sensitive designquality. Another issue that needs to be addressed is the intensity of global urbanization that does not cope withthe environment and is a city’s culture insensitive. Vernacular practices help combat these issues, there needs tobe an initiative towards the approach of implementing vernacular habits to produce greener practices which iseasily affordable and efficient towards the economically weaker sections of the society who have limitedresources and financial constraints. Finally it mentions designing in the best interest of the people by beingsensitive to the impact a building has on climate and in their lives. Students from won Citation. Students fromwon Special Mention.

EVENTS , ZONE 4 , Talk Series 25-Sep-2021
A talk series Abhigyata was organized as a Zonal activity in the fourth week of September, 2021. The event was hosted by Z420 Rani Rashmoni School of Architecture, Durgapur, WB. The esteemed speaker for the same was the Ar. Apurva Bose Dutta, an Author, renowned Architectural Journalist, an editor as well as Curator. Through the session, the speaker drew light upon her presentation on, “Carving Unique Journeys in Architecture”.The event was broadcasted live on YouTube through NASA India’s Channel while a huge number of delegates from different colleges watched and interacted with the speaker live through the medium of Google Meet. They could ask their questions as well as clarify any doubts regarding the presentation. The talk series was the first Zonal Activity for the 64th year and was a successful session. The Session spoke vividly of the scope and future of Journalism in Architecture.

EVENTS 23-Oct-2021
The 64th year interunit Zonal event saw a collaboration of SPADE with NASA; its largest online event in zone 6 titled FARRAGO. The theme being ‘Coalescence in Architecture’. As you start your journey as an architectural student, you start gaining perspective about what it means to be an architect. But as you progress, through your courses, competition and extra curriculars one perceives architecture to be a world unto itself; and that at their core, every architect is a designer. The intent behind farrago was to give a glimpse of the many opportunities a designer has in the wider world. The workshop, talk series, cultural and competitions were geared to spark interest and give exposure to some of these possibilities.In coalescence to the theme, SPADE conducted 4 interview sessions with architects from different backgrounds such as Sustainability, Interior Designer, Product Designer, Pastry Chef, Photographer, Communication Designer, Fabrication designer in a one-one live session to throw light upon today’s trends in architecture. FARRAGO has been an immense success with various national and international architects contributing to our event.The event was hosted online in 2 phases, namely the workshops on 23rd and 24th of October and the main zonal event held on 30th and 31st October. The event received an overwhelming response, altogether a total of 200 students exhibited interesting work within a very short span of time. The student delegates were invited to participate in several pre-recorded cultural events such as Singing, Instrumental, Dancing, Photography, Videography, Digital Art, Modelling, Sketching and sculpting trash prior to the main event to showcase their talent.This event enabled students to not only display their forte but also exposed them to various facets of architecture and design.

Annual NASA Design Competition (ANDC)
The Annual NASA Design Convention belongs to NASA and focuses on current trends andapproaches seen being applied in the Annual NASA design competition. It acts as the main and qualifying steptowards winning the convention of that particular year. This year the brief talks about Solace of a SoothingShade in the Oppressive Heat of Day, which goes on to explain the heartless and ignorant response showntowards construction workers. Construction workers are known for their tireless work that they provide buthave never earned any respect or wage equal to that. Highlighting on their shelter that they make duringconstruction, it is something that they quietly compromise on, they are always disturbed by soot and smoke.Many pregnant working mothers tie a chulla for their baby closer to their work area while also constantlyproviding a hand without that being a factor of ignorance towards their work. Their babies go unnoticed duringthese times victimizing them to the debris that may fall during construction. Governments have become awareof this yet continue to come up with solutions other than just helping them and providing them back. Theycome with strategies where construction workers are introduced to workplaces and fellow workers new to themto avoid unification towards a cause. The trophy this year stands for participants to bridge that lifestyle gap anddesign a mobile shelter suitable to any terrain, place or climatic conditions by providing safety, security andprivacy. The shelter must be flexible enough to go through iterations that might take place during differentphases of construction of that particular building the workers will be working on. Students from won citationfor their work on. Students from won Special Mention for their work on.

EVENTS , ZONE 2 , Quiz Competition 15-Jan-2022
The Architectural Quiz Competition was one of the many zonal events, organised nationally at Anveshan-The Hidden Palette 2022. The intent behind this was to expose the students to the world within and outside of Architecture. With intellectual as well as witty questions, 3 rounds were conducted, namely ArchiCharades- The Play of words, Identitecture- The play of visuals and it came to a conclusion by the Finale Round, namely the Rapid Fire Round where 4 teams competed with a cut throat competition. The winners of this competition were declared in the Valedictory event.

EVENTS 01-Jan-2020
Winner's Way is a new initiative by the 64th Council. The initiative focuses on sharingexperiences, ideas, approaches, and vision of the trophy winners of the past year toencourage participation and collective learning amongst the students of thisAssociation for the trophies that have opened for individual registration. Winner'sWay also served as a platform that recognizes the excellent work done by studentsamongst peers.In order to achieve both the intent, an interactive live session was hosted online withthe winning participants of the Mohammad Shaheer Landscape Trophy and theEthos Trophy.The winners shared their work, explained their ideas and approaches towards theTrophy. The discussion took place in a storytelling format that summarized their entireexperience of working on the trophy. The event took place on Zoom and wasstreamed live on NASA India's YouTube Channel and was executed successfully withimpressive participation across all Zones.
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