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TROPHIES , LIK 17-Nov-2021

The Louis Kahn Trophy established by Vastu Shilpa Foundation with Sir B. V. Doshi and family is a stepback into the lives of our people who have built structures that still act as one of the main elements that defineour country and our culture. This year the trophy talks about Infill Architecture, which means to say that whena project gets situated in a specific discernible context where how it fits becomes a matter of concern, we maylook upon it as an infill. A current observation states how structures these days have been standing ignorant totheir surroundings, they lack context which will impact students of this profession. It speaks about howbuildings in the same radius are in context to the main cultural structure. The aim this year is to documentsites, projects and designs which best represent the connection between the context and architecture, withoriginality seen in documentation. The broader and immediate contexts need to be understood in terms ofhistorical elements, climatic impacts, past trends, functional connect, community traditions, existingarchitecture in the adjoining sites and such others. Issues of urban aesthetics like volumes, massing, scale,skyline, wall window ratios, materiality and many other such theories will enrich the analysis. Students fromwon Citation and Students from won Special Mention.


TROPHIES , LIK 12-Dec-2020

This trophy always aims high, by challenging ourselves to understand Kahn, his idea of the vernacular and thus the idea of architecture itself. The theme “Vernacular Traditions- contemporary architecture” intended to look at modern buildings where local and traditional characters found an expression. It included collecting and analyzing information on a chosen project designed by an Indian Architect during the last twenty years which reflect time tested design principles from our past for our future.Link to the brief: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/14H4eurBCxO1vUYiVZboaNoF7RlacqJIqLink to the poster: https://www.instagram.com/p/CHueV8chn97/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_linkThe brief was released on 11th November, 2020 with the registration deadline as 12th December 2020 and submission date as 25th January, 2021.The moderator was INTACH (Ar. Sathya Prakash Varanashi). 22 submissions were received in total for this trophy. The jury members Tony Joseph, Aishwarya Tipnis and Iqtedar Alam provided the students with their valuable set of inputs and selected an exceptional set of entries.The winning entries comprised of:JUROR’S CHOICE 2 - Z210, Rizvi College of ArchitectureJUROR’S CHOICE 1 - Z211, Indian Education Society’s College of ArchitectureSPECIAL MENTION 2 - Z329, Marathwada Mitra Mandal's College of ArchitectureSPECIAL MENTION 1 - Z214, Faculty of Architecture Sarvajanik College of Engineering & Technology, SuratCITATION- Z516, KLS Gogte Institute of Technology

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