NASA | TPS Online


TROPHIES 01-Jul-2021

We concluded the first cycle of the OAN Grants Program and launched the 2021 cycle. The inaugural cycle faced many adversities due to Covid. The discussions between Urban Design Collective, the Center for the Living City and NASA India on the collaboration started in 2019 and the Grant’s Program was launched at the 62nd Annual NASA Convention with an aim to provide grants to highly motivated and committed students with a conscious to aid urban solutions. For the inaugural cycle,three fellow teams were to be selected, each one getting a 500 USDs grant to execute their solution lives. We received 42 entries this year, a jury panel consisting of 5 Jurors across the globe chose Chhav, Orange People Project and Adaptable Contextual Farming Invoking Self dependency to be 2020 fellows. The details of the program are available on our website

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