Speakers' Corner talk with Ms. Manasi Hattangadi, author of Writing Architecture...
About Us
The National Association of Students of Architecture (NASA, India) is one of the largest architectural student organizations in the world with student participants from more than three hundred colleges all over India and countries around the world. The main objective of NASA, India is to create a platform for architecture students to learn and interact, engage them directly and indirectly through both online and offline platforms. NASA India conducts events, conventions, seminars, workshops, design competitions & trophies, and many other activities
At NASA, India we believe that architects can come together, learn and create a huge positive impact on the world, and strive for the same through our activities. Millions of students have gone through the NASA India experience in its rich history since its foundation in 1957. Today, NASA, India along with providing students enriched learning experience; it is also connecting students across the country and staging the voice of the student community.
The association aims to provide a platform for learning and interactions for students across the country with varied cultural backgrounds. NASA, India includes over 300 colleges divided into 6 zones geographically. NASA, India is a non-profit and non-political association registered under the Society’s Act 1860 vides no. 24786 as applicable to the National Capital Territory of New Delhi, India. NASA India has its headquarters currently located at the Department of Architecture, School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi.
Zonal NASA Convention, Enigma, Zone 6 was hosted by Eranad Knowledge City College of...
Here is a complete video orientation on the new trophy- Ethos NASA INDIA STUDENT OF...
Ar Eugene Pandala talks about his work - 62nd Annual NASA Convention.
Ar. Gita Balakrishnan talks about her career as an Architect
Ar. Gita Balakrishnan talks about her initiation into Architecture
Ar. Gita Balakrishnan talks about Architecture in India